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Four Year Promise

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At Roberts Wesleyan University, 美高梅mgm平台致力于通过帮助你在四年内毕业,让你在赚取收入和实现个人目标方面领先一步. In fact, we guarantee it.

Did You Know?

Nationwide, 60% of college students do not graduate in 4 years

http://nces.ed.gov/programs/digest/d16/tables/dt16_326.10.asp 60% pie chart

That can cost as much as


Taking a single extra year to finish college could cost you:


in lost income


in lost lifetime retirement savings


We promise: you will graduate within four years.

罗伯茨将保证进入传统本科课程的合格学生在四年内毕业. 美高梅mgm平台承诺提供课程、建议、指导和支持.

You promise: to fulfill your responsibilities.

如果你履行了自己的职责,但在四年内没能毕业, we will pay for the courses you need to graduate.

You’ll graduate with more than just a degree; you’ll be world
career-ready! Spend 4 years with us and you’ll have a better
sense of yourself, your gifts, skills, and purpose.

4-year Guarantee: You’ll graduate on time, we guarantee it.

美高梅mgm平台将与您一起努力,在与您的目标一致的专业中完成您的本科学位, gifts, and talents. If you are not sure what you want to study. No problem, we’ve got you covered! 进入美高梅mgm平台的学术探索计划,你仍然可以在4年内毕业.

Career Fair 4-year Career Plan: Be equipped for success and ready for interviews!

带着自信毕业,你会为接下来的事情做好准备. 美高梅mgm平台的职业规划不仅仅是一个模式化的方法,还包括指导, networking, and resources to help prep you for your future career. Additionally, 你可以访问一个互动的数字平台,让你在四年的学习中走上正轨. 通过实习和出国留学的机会获得实践训练. 你们可以确信,你们离开罗伯茨时不仅会带着技术知识,还会带着道德品质, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills that employers are looking for.

Student bible study 4 years of Spiritual Formation: At Roberts, spiritual and academic growth go hand in hand.

美高梅mgm平台的目标是通过圣经课程,帮助你在基督的形象中获得更强的自我意识, chapel, mission trips, and service to others. Utilize your time here to grow personally and in turn, 为你周围和世界的人获得一个更好的视角和更高的同理心.

graduate raising hands in triumph $40,000 Grant total over the four years through the Roberts Opportunity Grant.

The Roberts Opportunity Grant is $10,每年颁发给符合美高梅mgm平台办学目标的全日制新生. This grant is renewed annually, 并颁发给没有资格获得任何学术奖学金的学生.


Roberts will pay for the courses you need to graduate.


The Roberts Opportunity Grant of $8,每年有1万美元的奖学金给那些表现出与美高梅mgm平台目标一致的品格的全日制新生. This grant is renewed annually, 并颁发给没有资格获得任何学术奖学金的学生.


Contact the Office of Admissions.

How it Works

4 year guarantee


available to all full-time freshmen

4 year guarantee


Leave the pesky paperwork out of it. It's as simple as signing a contract before you start classes

4 year guarantee




Limitations/ Extensions


  • 这项保证只适用于在罗伯茨大学开始大学教育的学生.
  • 在课程之间有选择的情况下,学生不能保证自己是第一选择.
  • 不能在四年内注册所需课程的学生必须在四年结束后的两个学期内完成美高梅mgm平台的免费课程.g. a summer and fall for those completing four years in the spring; or spring and summer for those completing four years in the fall).
  • This guarantee does not apply to “fifth-year” programs (ex. 某些教师教育证书要求)或毕业要求以外的最低单位(注册会计师资格), etc.) beyond the basic four-year bachelor degree.

Additional Considerations

  • 在大一的秋季学期与你的指导老师见面并签署担保.
  • 致力于你的专业,并在大一下学期开始先决条件或低级别专业课程,并保持该专业直到毕业.
    • In the case of science majors including Nursing, Biology, Bio-Chemistry, Chemistry, and Physics, 专业必须在注册第一学期课程前申报.
  • 第一年至少修满30学分,第二年至少修满32学分(连续全日制学习平均每学期修满16学分).
  • 成功完成必修课程(见目录最低可接受的成绩),在一个学期内不放弃必修或批准的课程
  • 满足专业具体要求,包括GPA,并在学校保持良好的学术和行为表现.
  • 在注册开放之前,每学期与你的导师见面,听取建议,并参加导师批准的课程,完成要求, in the appropriate sequence and as they become available.
  • 在每学期允许的第一周内注册特定课程,以获得所需课程的位置.
  • 如果您无法注册批准的课程,请在注册周通知您的指导老师,以便制定替代计划.
  • 在适当的截止日期前申请经济援助并提交所需的文件.
  • Make sure your student account is paid in full when due.
  • 如果你被录取,你也可以参加. In this case, 你需要在第一年通过注册暑期课程完成30个学分.
  • 四年的承诺是基于连续的全日制入学,不包括由于人身伤害而导致的上课时间损失, illness, or other personal circumstances.

Note: The Cooperative Engineering programs are not included.

Note: Beginning Fall 2018

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